Start Your HR Consulting Business [Online Course]

Discover How To Build A Lucrative & Enjoyable HR Business In 2025 Using This Proven, Step-By-Step System

On-Demand Masterclass (Special Introductory Offer Ends Soon) 

Avoid the messy mistakes made by most new consultants.

Build the right plan to exceed your old corporate salary.

Get instant access to the online Start Your HR Business Masterclass now.


WHAT: Special, on-demand START YOUR HR BUSINESS MASTERCLASS with the host of the A Better HR Business podcast, Ben Geoghegan. See agenda below.

WHO: By 'HR-related', we mean any area of the broad Human Resources function, including Generalist HR, Recruitment, Learning & Development, Employment Law, Compensation & Benefits, Diversity & Inclusion, Employee Engagement, etc.

WHERE: This online Masterclass has helped HR professionals in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa to start and grow successful HR-related businesses.

WHEN: Instantly accessible online right now. You retain access to the Masterclass, workbooks, and bonus resources 24 hours a day for 12 months.

WHY: This online Masterclass will help you avoid the messy mistakes made by most new consultants and build the right plan to exceed your old corporate salary. You will feel more confident in your decision and you will create the type of HR-related business that's right for you. People who have taken this Masterclass have successfully launched businesses that overtook their old corporate salaries within year one and have built businesses they love.

NOTICE: This special introductory offer ends soon.

Start Your HR Business In 2025 [Online Masterclass]

"I wholeheartedly recommend this Masterclass for anyone seeking HR consulting expertise paired with invaluable marketing insights. The information played a pivotal role in enhancing my approach to marketing and positioning myself as a new Organizational Development and Leadership Consultant."
Terrell Holmes - Founder & Principal Consultant, The Good Org

"I highly recommend this Masterclass if you're planning on making the jump to becoming an HR consultant. Ben's industry knowledge is brilliant and really helped me develop my niche, core services, and pricing structure."  
Rebecca Shaw - Founder, SureHR

Get The Information & Answers You Need To Start Your Own Successful HR Business In 2025

The Start Your HR Business Masterclass is for people employed in HR-related roles who want to leave the corporate world to start their own successful independent consulting business in the broad 'HR' field.

By 'HR', we mean any area of the broad Human Resources function, including Generalist HR, Recruitment, Learning & Development, Employment Law, Compensation & Benefits, Diversity & Inclusion, Employee Engagement, etc.

We've successfully helped hundreds of HR consultants around the world to start and grow their business on nearly every continent.  

This Masterclass is going to help you too.

This Is Your Time!

You've got the skills. You've got the experience. You've got this.

Now's the time to become your own boss. To create an impactful business of your own.

We're going to make it happen - together.

We live & breathe HR marketing. Around 1000 HR businesses and 40 business growth speakers attended our HR business growth online conference. Ben studied HR, worked in HR, ran his own HR consultancy, and now we only help people from the broad HR field to launch and grow successful HR-related businesses.

You’re dealing with HR marketing specialists. Now it’s time for us to help you using a process we call the HR Business Growth Process.

In this Masterclass, we will:

  • Identify your personal preferences. There’s no point trying to push water uphill – let’s play to your strengths. 
  • Get crystal clear on your service offerings so they are more appealing to your new clients. 
  • Choose the best marketing methods for your business. This is different for every person and every business. You’ll choose the rights for your personality, your budget, and your goals. 
  • Create your Marketing Plan. The plan will be published in a simple format with agreed activities and goals. If necessary, we will also create your own marketing budget.
  • Build your sales strength. As an in-house HR employee, you never had to sell anything. Now you do. This course will help you with that.
  • Track your progress. Start with the end in mind, right? What business goals & metrics do you want to achieve and how will we measure your progress? 
  • Keep moving forward and stay positive. You will set realistic targets and work towards them. The course will help you build healthy business habits and stay positive.

Tiaan Dwyer

Managing Director
FIC Consulting HR, Payroll, & Labour

"Working throuthroughhg the Start Your HR Business course was the best decision I could have made for me and for my start-up business.  

Thank you Ben for sharing all your knowledge and experience."

All The Information, Resources, & Support You Need

You'll have everything you need in the Start Your HR Business Masterclass.

(You'll have access for a full 12 months)

  • Comprehensive workbooks for launching your new HR-related business and then getting your first few clients.  
  • Mini video training on key concepts, strategies & tactics for launching a successful HR-related business. All available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Recommended reading & resources lists on all aspects of starting and running a new HR-related business, including services, software, books, podcasts, and more.
  • A standing invitation to be a guest on our podcast, A Better HR Business. A friendly, easy interview to build up your promotional skills before expanding your reach.
  • Case study videos from other successful HR business founders -  HR consultants share their real-life start-up experiences and advice.

Jeanette Verhovany

Founder and CEO
 Virtual HR Canada

"Ben is an outstanding resource for helping HR consultants with any aspect in the Human Resource field which is why I highly recommend him without reservation. 

Ben's information is not only fresh, but useful and 100% proven effective."

How The Start Your HR Business Masterclass Will Help You

The Masterclass will help you if you want . . .

  • You want a step-by-step system to follow to set up your new HR consulting business. 
  • You want to get high-value clients who understand and appreciate your expertise (not cheapskate complainers). 
  • You want to avoid the feast or famine cycle that can blight a new HR business and have a steady, repeatable system to bring in HR clients in a predictable way. 
  • You want to be able to focus on your consulting work, not endless marketing tasks that never seem to gain any permanent traction. 
  • You want flexibility and control over your own life, including when and where you work. 
  • You want uncapped earnings that are not determined by your employer’s rating scale and salaries budget. 
  • You want insights and advice from an HR business growth expert who understands your business.

Ana Josefina Gonzalez

Founder and CEO
Core HR

"Thank you very much, Ben.  

All my gratitude for the outstanding support to my business and me personally.

Your advice and expertise has been so helpful."

Here's What You Can Achieve With This Masterclass

Sure, nothing is set in stone - your outcomes are dependent on your inputs, but after you go through this program, you’re going to be set up for success.

Get this right, and there's a world of opportunity open for you . . . 

  • Make good money: Great money, quicker in less time - it's possible. One of our course participants made $150,000 in her first nine months of business (and she'd just had her first baby!) with several more large deals to close soon too. Another participant quickly picked up an $84,000 one-year deal within the first three months of starting her business and has a solid pipeline for a whole lot more. Another Masterclass participant secured a $1400+ day rate contract BEFORE even starting their business (check out A Better HR Business, episode 269). Others are making $200,000+ to $300,000+ with nothing but a virtual admin assistant.
  • Make money while you're out of the office: More and more new HR business founders are generating revenue by selling their insights and expertise online. Develop HR products to sell online, have clients on recurring retainer, and more. Some of our clients have successfully turned their knowledge into HR products, including books, courses, and templates.
  • Travel: As a successful independent HR consultant, Ben Geoghegan was sent to stay in 5-star hotels in beautiful locations (all expense paid) to work on fascinating HR projects. The global pandemic caused the big move to remote & hybrid work. Plenty of HR consultants work wherever they want.
  • Become a business leader: You can remain a solo business owner or you can be like some HR business owners we've worked with who have built up a companies with a team reporting to them. Lisa Brown Alexander of Nonprofit HR now has over 130 staff in the company she started on her own). 
  • Flexibility: You can have the time and flexibility to be a parent, a fitness legend, an insatiable book-reader, a great friend, or whatever it is that you value most. I adjust my business timetable to my life, not the other way around.  Gemma Alicia Long started her successful business HR & Co because, as a single parent, she needed the flexibility to look after her daughter.
  • Stick it to the man: Sick of the rat race and the corporate games? A one-million dollar HR business owner we know well started her business because her boss and company culture were awful. Her new business culture is now awesome! Your new business is how you want it to be.

What do you want for you and your life? Now is the time to create the kind of life you want.

Masterclass Agenda

About Your Instructor, Ben Geoghegan

Ben Geoghegan is the founder of Get More HR Clients and the host of the HR marketing and growth podcast: A Better HR Business.

As a former HR professional and HR consultant now-turned marketing expert for companies in the HR sector, he has helped hundreds of businesses around the world in the HR sector to launch and/or grow faster and easier.

He's looking forward to helping you with your business launch & growth plan to give you the best chance possible of building a highly successful HR-related business.  


 $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  Special, Low Price Of $47 
(Save $103.00)  

Access the full Masterclass and bonus gifts for $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  just $47. Delivered instantly.

Compare this small investment in your success to a potential upside of 50K, 100K, or more in additional revenue that may result from a better business launch and growth plan. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions others before you asked us before buying the Masterclass.

By 'HR', we mean any area of the broad Human Resources function, including Generalist HR, Recruitment, Learning & Development, Employment Law, Compensation & Benefits, Diversity & Inclusion, Employee Engagement, etc.  

Yes, we've successfully helped hundreds of HR consultants around the world to start and grow their business on pretty much every continent - not Antarctica yet  :)
We're currently helping HR-related consultancies and HR Tech companies right across the US, in Canada, Australia, the UK, and beyond. More importantly, we've helped hundreds of different types of HR businesses, including Generalist HR, Recruitment, Learning & Development, Employment Law, Compensation & Benefits, Diversity & Inclusion, Employee Engagement, etc.

We've created a special online portal that contains everything. After purchase, you'll be emailed details. You'll then have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a full year. In the portal, you'll find all the playbooks, training resources, habit trackers, your specific online To-Do list, coaching call booking link, and more.

You'll have access for a full year. You'll be able to dive into the Masterclass as soon as you register and you'll have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Yes, this Masterclass is comprehensive and flexible enough to answer your questions and give you what you need.

Examples of things you may be wondering about include: Not knowing where to start or how to make the leap? What type of HR business to start? How to find new clients? How to tell your boss and colleagues? All the technical and admin details such as websites, company formation, business cards, etc? How much to charge? How to convince businesses to work with you? How to make a success of your new HR consultancy?

This Masterclass will answer all these questions and more. 


We're constantly looking for ways to make things easier for you.

An example: In years gone by, training programs were all about how many training videos there were. Now, we've stripped our videos back to be fewer, shorter, and more of a supplement than the main meal. This means you're not sitting around watching long boring videos when you should be out there winning new business.

Our goal is to make the program super helpful and easy to use.

Yep, that's a big one. However, good on you! You've already recognized this as being an area to keep an eye on.

You're not alone in these concerns. Ben was similar and we've helped many others in the same boat. That's why we've built special accountability and motivation elements into the program including a special module on self-sabotage, and more.

We're humans, not robots (yet!). So, we're giving you information and resources but we're also giving you the support you need to make your new venture a great success. 

This Masterclass will give you the knowledge and plan you need to start a successful HR consulting business.

Most important of all, you’ll now have the confidence to start an HR consulting business you’ve been daydreaming about at work.

We're obsessed with helping HR professionals like you to confidently and successfully start your own healthy, profitable HR business.

There are a few key reasons:

1. The Masterclass covers tactics but it also covers strategy which is always better done early. Some consultants have gone done the wrong path before joining the program which we've then had to help them sort out before they could start achieving real business success. Even small stuff like what to write on your new website is affected by the strategic decisions we make - so let's make those strategic decisions now.

2. The longer you leave it, the more crowded the market gets and the harder it is to cut through the noise to find your ideal types of clients. Start now and you'll achieve momentum and success sooner.

3. On an admin note, the Masterclass's price has increased before and may be increasing again soon so you'll save money by joining now.

4. If you don't do it now, will you really come back later or will life get in the way? Compare this small investment in your success to a potential upside of ($£€) 50K, 100K, or more in additional revenue that may result from a better marketing plan.

5. We reserve the right to close the Masterclass to future participants. Get in while it's still available. 


 $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  Special, Low Price Of $47 
(Save $103.00)  

Access the full Masterclass and bonus gifts for $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  just $47. Delivered instantly.

Compare this small investment in your success to a potential upside of 50K, 100K, or more in additional revenue that may result from a better business launch and growth plan. 

It's your time.
Let's get started!


 $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  Special, Low Price Of $47 
(Save $103.00)  

Access the full Masterclass and bonus gifts for $̶1̶5̶0̶̶  just $47. Delivered instantly.

Compare this small investment in your success to a potential upside of 50K, 100K, or more in additional revenue that may result from a better business launch and growth plan.